Finally the first beta version of the website I was working on is out. It was not easy working on each of the image pieces but in the end I hope it pays off. More images will be added soon enough and I'll pass the whole project over to Iqbal by next week. So here it goes,
the official website of the Student Council of Curtin University Sarawak... All comments would be very much appreciated...
Dead Silence. Got a lot of reviews from a lot of people about it being the best horror movie they've seen. Personally, I have seen much better ones and it didn't impress me at all... I have high expectations of horror movies and I guess it's just kinda hard to find something really scary enough for me to watch. So far, I have YET to find the best horror movie of all times. The ones I've watched and rated good so far either had a superb storyline or fantastic special effects. Thai and Japanese horror movies are surprisingly much better though... Speaking of horror movies, there are many spots in Miri that are known as haunted. Being home alone for a month and Hungry Ghost Festival coming up soon, this is the perfect chance for me to research and post up the location of Miri's haunted spots. I suddenly remembered a visit to the cemetery with the dear a couple of months back... Will be back with pictures soon....
Area 52, Minangkabau Grave are the 2 places I know in Miri..
ooo... hey aaron! Where are they? Area 52? Minangkabau grave?
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