Starving ghouls...

One of the pics we took during the visit to the cemetery...

The Hungry Ghost Festival supposedly begins today. Wikipedia told me this:

"The Ghost Festival is a traditional Chinese festival and holiday, which is celebrated by Chinese in many countries. In the Chinese calendar (a lunisolar calendar), the Ghost Festival is on the 14th night of the seventh lunar month. In Chinese tradition, the seventh month in the Chinese calendar is called the Ghost Month (鬼月), in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower world to visit earth. The Ghost Festival is the climax of a series of the Ghost Month celebrations. Traditionally, ancestor worshiping was an important part of the festivals, with activities including preparing ritualistic offering food, and burning hell money and bags containing cloth to please the visiting ghosts and spirits of the ancestors, as well as other deities. Other activities include, burying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies "giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities." A very solemn festival of ancestor worshiping, the festival nevertheless represents a connection between the ancestors and the descendants, the living and the dead, earth and heaven, as well as body and soul."

No, she aint rehearsing... She's performing to necropolis...

I had no idea how serious people took the festival till I came across this in Wikipedia. This girl is singing to a row of hell visitors. They're supposedly seated on the red chairs. In a way its kinda cool but its like money wasted! I bet they spend a couple thousands to do a concert like that... I can think of a million ways to spend that money!

Now... thinking of a seance at my place...


Ian said...

Dude, your hobbies get creepier everytime I hear from you. Though, it does keep things interesting no doubt.

Wish I could drop in man, I'm in adelaide still, lookin for an engineering job.

Writing a capoeira book with my housemates for this guy in the UK at the moment to earn some cash, otherwise all is well.

Great to hear from you man, wanna go back to Miri badly, ya'll sounds like its gettin interestin down there.

Joe Xavier said...

From what you've been saying, I assume you're Ian... lol.. well things are boring so I gotta make the most of it and keep myself busy.. you writing a capoeira book? sweetness...

Send one up here when you're done. I'm booking one!

Ian said...

Hehe yeah, I'll be sure to send you a copy as soon as we can get it finished.

Hows things with you man whats new other than the talk of seances and the spooky hobbies.

Hope your leg is better and I saw you just got 2 capoeira vids.

Joe Xavier said...


Yeah, got myself two DVDs on capoeira... love them... and my leg has been better since last year dude..

Ian said...

Well, that goes to show how out of touch i've been.

Just makin sure its 100% after surgery, cos as knee injuries go, tends not to be as good as it were sometimes.

Joe Xavier said...

Exactly. It will never be 100% but I can make the most out of it and I learn to appreciate it better... so I think mentally, its beyond 100%...

Do you have msn or smthn dude?