Life of a carnie...

Lately been into Carnivale. One of HBO's series. I've watched one episode on HBO a couple years back and it kinda got me hooked then. Found the two season DVD sets and it hooked me on again especially now that I'm actually performing part time. It inspired me in a way as I thought of ideas to spice up my illusion shows. Anyway, Carnivale was sweet. If you expect a lot of action and fast paced thriller you'll be disappointed. Its a movie that kinda explores the arcane and esoteric connection between good and evil. Timeline was in 1934 but they were expecting the coming of the Apocalypse then. To quote a review site:

"...(it) questions identity and vocation, and asserts a cosmological framework no longer in television vogue.You’ll see astonishing sights: a woman vomit coins, a jarred fetus blink, dead men stampede a strip show, and a wheat field shrivel when a lame girl walks. You’ll be barraged by tattoos, Nazis, snakes, dead fish, vanishing trailers, psychic fires, and the explicit beyond. You’ll meet amazing people: a bearded woman, a telekinetic psychic in a coma, a sullen escaped con with mysterious powers, a lizard man, conjoined twins, and a preacher with disturbing visions. It will break your heart, stir your spirit, and engage your curious mind."

Had a talk with my manager about plans to set up a freakshow last year. Plans were kept for Halloween 2006 but due to lack of time and props, we kinda moved it on to this year. Now it seems that it would have to be dragged on to the following year. A combined inspiration of Chaplin, Angel, Houdini, Cirque du Soleil, and Carnivale. I was thinking that if I was involved in this freakshow, it'd be like living Carnivale. Awesome... Anyway, gotta prepare later in the evening for two shows tomorrow. One in the morning and another at noon.

It has been a while too since i worked out. Two weeks to be exact. Now that the new term is starting soon, I think I'd have to reshuffle my life shedule to fit the workouts. Been bingeing on many evilly-fat foods and this has gotta stop. I've sworn off ice cream for now and I think that's a good start. Now I can only have a serving of ice cream per month. Gotta clean up the food intake so I can ultimately reach the goals by December. Studies, on the other hand... another busy term up ahead for me... and I still have no idea if I had passed my Supplementary. The wait is killing me...


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