The New Program: Project Mass-Occur!

The new training plan this holiday is to bulk up and gain lean muscle mass. Thus, the name Project Mass-Occur! Like all bulking plans, adding a bit of bodyfat is inevitable. Unless I inject myself with plenty of hormones (aka roids), it is almost impossible (not fully impossible though) to add mass without gaining bodyfat increase. I'm down to 12-13% bodyfat. Not bad, considering I came from a high 25-26% when I first started training. The beauty of my lifestyle program is that its a long term plan and not just some short term plan to 'lose weight'.

Training will be hectic as I'll do plenty of high volume training coupled with cardio in a day. So recovery is crucial for me. Incorporating active recovery into my training as well. Active recovery is doing higher reps of really light weights to pump blood into the targetted muscle area a few days after the training day of that particular muscle group. For example, 2-3 days after training (high volume) the biceps, I do curls with super light weights which brings it to a point where it almost induces fatigue to pump blood with nutrients into the biceps.

Gotta up the protein too. But been having a lot of red wine lately! Dad got a whole box of them Stanley wine and sittin in the fridge, it makes an awesome after dinner dessert... damn. Apart from that, been eating out a lot. It takes a toll and I could really feel the difference it makes on training and to my recovery process. Recovery takes ages and I wake up feeling like shit everyday. Not good. Cleaning up my food intake and hopefully life will resume to normal in a couple of days.

Meanwhile, working on a fitness portal with plenty of info for ANYONE who is thinking of improving their health and lifestyle. Feel better about yourself and check us out! Launching beta in a month!


Anonymous said...

help me Dr Joe! =)

Joe Xavier said...

help you gain mass? sure!

Anonymous said...

active recovery, huh? i learned something new today.

you isolate muscle groups? i thought whole body workout is best for bulking. you know about this?

Joe Xavier said...

Yeah, but I did single parts before I moved to whole body. So i'm just spicing things up here and there... Been doing full body for the last two mths anyway..

SYUKS said...

i think i have progressed very similar like you.. less body fat and now plan to bulk up a bit.. My current weight and waist almost what you've achieved but i started it with a whooping 110 kg's... well i lost a lot.

Joe Xavier said...

Wow.. yeah.. that's a lot! How long did it take you?