Holidays... BEGIN!

So the exam period has ended. Putting my time into training this holiday. Darling complained about me not writing enough stuffs about things other than training. Guess my life ain't so interesting...

Anyway, was supposed to move into Hypertrophy Specific Training but decided that if I started, it may be hard for me to stop. If I skip one or two workouts for HST, it might be hard to catch up as its an overall body training. I don't have the time to faithfully go to the gym, for various reasons. As the gym I go to opens only at 3pm. I sometimes train in the morning at home. Thats why I got myself the set of weights. I train at Uncle Chee's gym. Its one of the best I've seen so far for the price I'm paying ($6 per mth).

Training in this place feels really great. I can't get myself to workout in an air conditioned gym. I tend to breathe heavily and it hurts when I inhale cold air during workouts. Despite the lack of cardio equipments (none actually but I usually do my cardio at the park anyway) this place is just perfect for me...



Anonymous said...


check me out! ;)

Joe Xavier said...

page doesnt exist...

LadyVanity said...

oooo wtf weiii i wanna train there too!