La historia hasta ahora...

The latest addiction... squids!

Been having tonnes of squids for lunch! I'm a sucker for good sambal belacan and they're available everywhere here! Now, fried squids and sambal belacan combined, happens to be the best dish in the world! At least I think so...

And yes, I'm back... Need somewhere to let go of my rantings and adventures and where else better but here? Been up to plenty but I'm too lazy to recap. Prolly pictures will tell my story after this. Schedule for the upcoming weeks?

Capoeira. Finally going to be training capoeira with real capoeiristas... No more gingaing on my own! There's a demo happening this weekend in Petaling Jaya so I'll be headed there to check them out and join them next week hopefully. Looking to keep myself busy with training together with them every week. Their site.

While I'm in PJ for the capoeira demo, I won't be missing the chance to drop by the Pace Gallery. Bitumania, will showcase art paintings done with bitumen. Bitumen is the oily and black material (a.k.a tar...). It'd be the first exhibition in Malaysia of its kind! Pics will come up when I'm done. Lets hope they allow pictures...

Naked & Blanket - Not a porn series but rather an artistic exhibition featuring the contrasts between modern urban and rural areas... Rich vs poor. Capisce? Opening party of the exhibition will be at Findars Space on Saturday at 7.30pm. Once again, if they allow pics, it'll be up!

KLCC will be having an art appreciation series and I seem to have missed the first two parts of the series. Anyway, registered for the third and final workshop, Breaking New Ground, next Tuesday. Its sounds like a perfect place to chill while learning about contemporary art at the workshop (and just to wait out the traffic jam after office hours...)

Seems like there are tonnes of art exhibitions this few weeks... The rest I'm planning to check out but have yet to confirm. Then again, their times are flexible and I do have plenty of time so theres a really high chance that I'll be dropping in on all of them:

Very tempted to see what Stuart Hamm has in store for us this Saturday. But I'll be running around so many places I doubt I even have time to drop by the Panggung Bandaraya... It would be awesome to check out his bass skills tho. I'm no bassist but Cuban showed me a couple videos of the superbly mad bassists and it impressed me!

Also, not forgetting...

Hardcore training resumes next week...


Eve! said...

Finally heh.

Been waiting ages for this *big wide smiles*

Joe Xavier said...

hahaha... just need a place to spit my brain juice...

etcetera; said...

you sure have tonnes of brain juice there. leaving MY trail! *hugssss :P

Joe Xavier said...

hahaha... *hugs* i'm juicy joe! :P

LadyVanity said...

LOL its been aaaaaages since you updated!!

SYUKS said...

welcome back Joe to blog writing !